• JavaScript
  • HTML
  • SASS


  • AdobeXD
  • VSCode
  • Git
  • Github

Wandering Ponderer

I wanted to create a site that could serve as a base for all my travel ramblings. It needed to be coded by hand as a way of practically applying the fundamental front-end concepts I was learning at the time. Visually, pages needed to be centered around keeping things aesthetically minimal and non-distracting. This to give the reader some breathing space to peruse the content at a convenient pace.

Large Images and Flowing Prose...

Large full-width images and flowing prose characterises the dreamy manner in which I captured and wrote this content. Legibility was key here with the heavy emphasis on the written word. Ultimately, this was an exercise in piecing together my, at the time, maturing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. Ultimately, I got caught up in the exhiliration that is creating something personal from scratch.

Skills Utilized


AdobeXD was the UI/UIX tool of choice here. This early project allowed me to become really comfortable working with this vector-based design solution.

Web Performance

Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript meant the site had no built-in performance-enhancements. Web best practices were studied and applied allowing for a fast, lightweight site.


The entire project was pushed (and hosted) on Github from it's conception. I became comfortable with a Git-based workflow as a result.

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